Arta Application
Arta iOS and Android Application
Arta company is happy to announce their new iOS and Android application on app store and google play. Arta's application is free, so download our application and find out lot of great things on our application.
Download Link
Please select your device and download Arta's application.
iOS - For Apple devices like iPhone and iPad
Android - For phone and tablet devices like Samsong, Nokia, HTC, LG, Motorola and etc...
Arta Points
Every time you collect 10 points you receive a gift from Arta. Once you reach certain points you are eligible to receive Arta's Club Card membership. These are the ways to earn your points.
Social media sharing - You can earn points by sharing on social media's like (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Telegram, Google Plus, Linkedin, Skype, WhatsApp, Viber, WeChat, Pinterest, Tumblr and etc ... )
Check-in - You can earn points by check-in into certain locations announced by Arta and you will receive your point.
QR code scan - You can earn points when you buy an Arta product from any of the Arta branch stores and the sales person gives you an QR code to scan to earn your point.
Arta Club Card
Once you earn certian points, you are eligible to recive Arta's Club Card membership. Each card has its own discounts and prizes as explained below.
Green - 100 points to recive Arta's Green membership card and you are eligible to buy Arta products with 10% discount.
Silver - 200 points to recive Arta's Silver membership card and you are eligible to buy Arta products with 30% discount.
Gold - 300 ponts to recive Arta's Gold membershoip card and you are eligible to buy Arta products with 50% discount.
Arta Coupons
Arta's will announce coupons for certain products and those people who has downloaded Arta's application are eligible to use these coupons to buy Arta's products.
Arta Gifts and Prizes
You can receive Arta's great Gifts and Prizes by the following methods.
Welcome rewards - Each person who downloads Arta's application for the first time will receive a Gift and Prize from Arta.
Happy Hours - Arta will announce great Gifts and Prizes for everyone on certain days and times. Stay tone for those especial days and times.
Check-in rewards - Arta will announce certain locations and check points where you can receive your great Gifts and Prizes from Arta.
Welcome back rewards - For those people who are returning back to Arta's application will receive especial Gifts and Prizes from Arta.
Arta Online Shopping
With Arta's application you can buy Arta products straightly from our online store just by one touch and we will deliver it to your door right away.
and more ...
Download Arta's application and find out lot of great features on our application. Lots of great things are coming to our application and we hope enjoy it!
Thank you :)